Street Harvest

Street Harvest is a pilot project running in Wodonga that aims to improve food security, enhance neighbourhood connections and increase the availability of fresh, nutritious food for emergency foo...

What's it all about?

Street Harvest is a pilot project running in Wodonga that aims to improve food security, enhance neighbourhood connections and increase the availability of fresh, nutritious food for emergency food relief in the community.

There is significant amount of fruit and vegetables wasted from residential gardens every year in Wodonga. The Street Harvest project rescues this excess fruit and vegetables from residential gardens and redistributes it locally amongst the community to those in need, via emergency relief agencies.

Street Harvest has been running in Wodonga since June 2009, and there are a number of ways Wodonga residents with excess produce can get involved in the project, from collection to redistribution of the produce.

Related Keywords: food security donation excess produce


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A number of our Victorian listings are sourced from The Field Guide to Victorian Produce, the first comprehensive guide to Victoria's regional produce and the people that grow, make and sell it.